Silvio Berlusconi is currently caught up in an investigation concerning his involvement with various escort girls but he always denies having paid them for sex. The young and sexy Alessandra Sorcinelli received 10,000 euros from Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi on January 17.
She is defending the actions of the prime minister saying that he never paid escort girls for sex as far as she knows. Silvio Berlusconi is being investigated for his alleged sexual involvement with an underage prostitute and for trying to cover it up. However, the police have found plenty of evidence of parties and sexy fun including pictures of the prime minister with his arm around the waist of a sexy escort during a party. The young and sexy escort was in great financial difficulties apparently as the prime minister had to help her out more than 13 times for a total of 115,000 euros.
Was she spending it on clothes, shoes or sexy lingerie?